Can We Be Mothers and Hustlers?

Can We Be Mothers and Hustlers?

Episode 39: Welcome to the She Builds Show, I’m your host, Stefanie Olson. Today, I want to talk to you about your time. What is time? How much of it do we have? Are we really conscious of the limited amount that we’ve been given? The other day, my dad...
Why is Saying No SO Hard?

Why is Saying No SO Hard?

Episode 29: Welcome to the She Builds Show, I’m your host, Stefanie Olson. Today I want to talk about saying NO and saying YES. Women, at least most of them I know, are sensitive, caring, kind, and want to please. We want to make everyone happy and serve, and...
How to Keep from Drifting

How to Keep from Drifting

Episode 27: Welcome to the She Builds Show, I’m your host, Stefanie Olson. Happy February! Can you believe it? January has already flown by? Today, I want to check in with you on your goals, your commitments, and speak about what it looks like to drift. For me,...
Moms Balancing Act – Life is Messy

Moms Balancing Act – Life is Messy

Episode #4: Welcome to the She Builds Show, I’m your host, Stefanie Olson. Today, I want to talk about being a mom, what it’s like to balance life with working and how it’s just messy. My biggest problem is that honestly, I’m too good at too...